After over thirty years as a municipal bean-counter slowly ascending a career ladder to middle management, middle income and a middling suburban terrace, Jack Scott decided to chuck in the towel, flog off the family silver and pitch his tent in a foreign field with his civil partner, Liam. They parachuted into paradise with their eyes firmly shut. When the blindfolds were removed, they found themselves peering into a bear pit of neo-colonial pretensions – all airs and no graces. Nothing could prepare them for what was to come – heat exhaustion, biblical floods, Byzantine red tape, casual censorship, power cuts, devil bugs, fetid plumbing, suicidal drivers, dirty politics, randy waiters, awe-inspiring sunsets, benevolence, generosity and approval. Eventually, they found diamonds in the rough and roses among the scrub.
Perking the Pansies and Turkey Street are the perfect accompaniment to a large glass of chilled white on a lazy day around a sun-kissed pool. Let Jack take you on his bitter-sweet journey of tragedy and comedy, an accidental tale of laughter and tears that changed him forever.
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December 2024